Is there a way to change the divider style between time slots, right now it is a solid Line, is it possible to make it a dashed line, or even change the color in some way?
That worked great thank you so much, your guys support rocks!
Hi Matthew,
Actually you said it perfectly correct and it was me who did not understand what you was asking for. Sorry this. However, to change the lines between timeslots you need again to use DrawFilter. Attached is updated version of my sample showing how to achieve this.
Please let me know if any additional question on this matter arise.
Hey so sorry I implemented your code but it changed the line style of the wrong section, I probably should have specified, I am trying to change the divider style between the time slots, see the area circled in red below, not the left hand side like your code changed. thank you so much for you help!
Hello Matthew,
The style of the divider lines depends on the Style of the control. There is no build in way to change the color or style of these lines. However, you can implement you own DrawFilter and draw these lines as you need them.
Attached is a small sample showing this approach. Please check my sample and let me know if this is what you are looking for, or if I am missing something.