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Binding UltraDateTimeEditor

I've got the following problem when binding an UltraDateTimeEditor.

I've created a manager class containing a list(of childObjects). One of the properties of the childObject is a date. The manager has a property CurrentChildObject that launches a NotifyPropertyChanged Event.

On my windows form the CurrentChildObject.Date is bound to an UltraDateTimeEditor.

Launching the application gives me a correct value in the datetimeeditor, but when changing the CurrentChildObject all other properties on the form are correctly updated but for some reason the datetimeeditor isn't.

After some research I've seen that after the NotifyPropertyChanged Event the date property of the new childObject is set with the date of the previous CurrentChildObject, so when binding it get's the wrong date.

Do you have any idea how I can resolve this issue. All other bindings don't enter the setter of their properties only when using a datetimeeditor.

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