I noticed that the display name for the timezone is showed in the dropdownlist.
Is it possible to switch the control to show the standard timezone name instead.
i.e display W. Australia instead of (GMT+08:00)Perth
this.ultraTimeZoneEditor1.DataFilter = new TimeZoneDataFilter( this.ultraTimeZoneEditor1 );
private class TimeZoneDataFilter : IEditorDataFilter{ private UltraTimeZoneEditor control = null;
public TimeZoneDataFilter( UltraTimeZoneEditor control ) { this.control = control; }
#region IEditorDataFilter Members
public object Convert(EditorDataFilterConvertArgs conversionArgs) { if ( conversionArgs.Direction == ConversionDirection.EditorToDisplay ) { TimeZoneInfo tzi = this.control.Value as TimeZoneInfo; if ( tzi != null ) { conversionArgs.Handled = true; return tzi.StandardName; } }
return conversionArgs.Value; }