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Grid Disabled Color when using AppStyle

Since this is a runtime question, I am asking this here.

When a grid row is set to Activation.Disabled, using the Office2007 look and feel, the grid row changes color.  I want this same color when the row is NoEdit.  I want to be able to select the row, but it look the same.

Plus, I am using AppThemes, so I need to make sure you use ResolveAppearance.  So here is what I am doing.

Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData ad = new Infragistics.Win.AppearanceData();
gridControl.Grid.Rows.GetRowWithListIndex(i).ResolveAppearance(ref ad);
gridControl.Grid.Rows.GetRowWithListIndex(i).CellAppearance.BackColor = ad.BackColorDisabled;
gridControl.Grid.Rows.GetRowWithListIndex(i).CellAppearance.ForeColor = ad.ForeColorDisabled;

Now, I am not sure which Layout or appearance i should be calling Resolve on.  I tried DisplayLayout of the entire grid and I also tried the Row's Resolve appearance above.  Can someone tell me the right appearance or method to use?  I tried even looking in the AppStyler and I don't ever see that color on any property of a GridRow.
