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Exception is thrown while deleting nodes in multilevel hierarchical tree


1) The attached sample application is built in VS2008 and Infragistics win 8.2 version.  In the sample the wintree is bound to a datatable and nodes are dynamically built to get a hierarchical structure. If we select a node and delete, an "Index was out of range...." exception is thrown.  The error detail seem to indicate that the exception is generated within the WinTree control. 
Steps to simulate the error:
a) Run the application
b) In the wintree select 2nd level node and click "Delete" button

"Index was out of range...." exception will be thrown

There is one peculiar behaviour, if we introduce the thrid level nodes and then delete the 2nd level node, no erro is thrown.  However, if all the third level nodes are collapsed and then if we delete the 2nd level node then the same exception is thrown. 

Note: In our development application an exception is not thrown when the node is deleted directly in the Tree, but the exception is thrown when a node or a row is deleted in a different Tree or Grid bound to the same datasource.  However, in this case the tree nodes are not redrawn correctly, please read 2nd point below.

2) One other problem we found in our application is that when nodes were deleted few of the nodes were not drawn correctly.  Please see the attached "missing nodes.JPG"

We recently upgrated to Infragistics Version 8.2 from Ver 6.2, in the 6.2 version none of the above mentioned bugs are occuring and hece we suspect the problem is in the latest release.  Please give suggestions/feedback of the above two problems.




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