Hot can I change the default row height?
I found a way from the event initilizerow - e.row.height.
but is there a property of the grid, that defines it?
Also I noticed that if I change the cell data font size, the row height changes automatically.
Is the default row height defined as a precentage of the font size, and is it possible to change these precentage, so that
for any given font size that I give, the row height that I automatically get, will be bigger?
Yes! It works now! Thanks!!
You probably just need to set the MinRowHeight, as well.
Hi, I have found the property. However there seems to be a minimal value on that property, meaning if I set the property to 200, the row height is changed to 200, but if I change that to 2, the row height is still the default height of the row.
Since I am using the grid to show a series of color codes, there is no text in the display fileds (but there are text in hidden fields). In my case, it would be meaningless to keep a default height of the row. I just want to set to say 2 or 3. Can I do that?
There's a DefaultRowHeight property on the Band or perhaps it's on the Override.
The default row height is based on the font if you don't set it. But it's not a percentage and there is no way to set one. You would have to set the DefaultRowHeight property yourself to a fixed value based on the font size.