I have a problem when I save my tasks from my current project to the database. When I save it to my database, I can't open my tasks properties anymore and the also the Predecessors field is cleared (as you can see in the screenshot). Screenshot 1 is before saving, screenshot 2 is after doing:
foreach (Project prj in this.ultraCalendarInfo1.Projects) { for (int i = 0; i < prj.Tasks.Count; i++) { DataRow[] taskRow = this.ds.Tables["Tasks"].Select("TaskID = '" + prj.Tasks[i].Id + "'"); if (taskRow.Length == 1) { taskRow[0]["RowIndex"] = i; } } } tda.Update(ds,"Tasks");
With tda being:
tda = new SqlDataAdapter(); SqlCommand cmdT = conn.CreateCommand(); cmdT.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Task order by ProjectKey, RowIndex"; tda.SelectCommand = cmdT; sqlCmdBuilderT = new SqlCommandBuilder(tda);
I know it has something to do with the foreach loop. But I need that before the save so I can keep the current order in the tasks. Because when I save without the foreach the defaultsort on date will be used and the order will be gone.
Kind regards,
Hi Robbe can u plz avoid us with this project code ?
Thank u in advance