I have a grid with some unbound columns, and I try to fill the values with as Parallel.ForEach loop over all rows in the grid, but this don't work.
I get sometimes the following error: System.NullReferenceException
I deaktivate some update events before the loop, but this didn't help.
A normal foreach-loop works perfect.
Is it generally posssible to you a Parallel.ForEach with a grid?
Your welcome.
Thanks Michael, this is the solution.
Hello Bodo,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics. The behavior you are seeing is clearly a blockage on the UI thread. Please clarify your requirement in using Parellel. What is the code in your Parellel loops and where is it performed? I advise not executing parallel loops on the UI Thread since this can lead to corruption, unexpected exceptions and deadlocks. I strongly encourage you to read over the following ms doc regarding potential pitfalls in data and task parallelism.
Let me know if you have any questions.