I am trying to add a new definition to the ultragrid control at run time.
I am not using dataset.
I want something like this
But I don’t know how to make it on code.
My code is:
Private Sub ShowOneEmpleado()
ToV = 0 : ToE = 0
With UltraGrid1
tbCodigo.Text = lbCodigos.SelectedItem : CodigoEnUso = lbCodigos.SelectedItem
'mostrar lo pagado de vac y de enf
'calcular cuanto tiene disponible Vac y Enf
CalVacaciones() : If answer = 255 Then answer = 0 : GoTo 90
c1 = Amt : Amt = 0 : If c1 > mi Then c1 = mi
CalEnfermedad() : If answer = 255 Then answer = 0 : GoTo 90
c2 = Amt : Amt = 0 : If c2 > mt Then c2 = mt
Dim row As DataRow = dataTable.NewRow()
row("Fecha Pago") = "Gran Total"
row("Número Cheque") = ""
row("Horas Vac") = THV
row("Pago Vac") = FormatNumber(ToV, 2)
row("Horas Enf") = THE
row("Pago Enf") = FormatNumber(ToE, 2)
90: ' bind DataTable to UltraWebGrid
.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Header.Caption = CodigoEnUso & " Vac Disponibles: " & c1 & " Enf Disponibles: " & c2
UltraGrid1.DataSource = dataTable : UltraGrid1.DataBind() : tbCodigo.Enabled = True : ub5.Visible = True : ub11.Visible = True
100: ub2.Visible = False : ub3.Visible = True : answer = 0
tbCodigo.Enabled = False : lbCodigos.Visible = False
End With
End Sub
Private Sub SetGridVacUnoSolo()
Dim bnd As UltraGridBand = UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0)
With UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout
With .Bands(0)
.HeaderVisible = True
.Header.Appearance.BackColor = Color.CornflowerBlue
.Header.Appearance.ForeColor = Color.White
.Override.AllowUpdate = DefaultableBoolean.False
.Override.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.RowSelect
.Override.RowSelectors = DefaultableBoolean.False
.Override.RowAppearance.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke
.Override.RowAlternateAppearance.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(254, 228, 209)
.Override.CellAppearance.TextHAlign = HAlign.Right
.Override.CellAppearance.TextVAlign = VAlign.Middle
.Override.SelectedRowAppearance.BackColor = Color.Beige
.Override.SelectedRowAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Black
.Override.DefaultRowHeight = 30
'formar la tabla
dataTable.Columns.Clear() : dataTable.Rows.Clear()
UltraGrid1.DataSource = dataTable : UltraGrid1.DataBind() : UltraGrid1.Layouts.Clear()
Dim col As New DataColumn
col = New DataColumn("Fecha Pago", GetType(String)) : dataTable.Columns.Add(col)
col = New DataColumn("Número Cheque", GetType(String)) : dataTable.Columns.Add(col)
col = New DataColumn("Horas Vac", GetType(String)) : dataTable.Columns.Add(col)
col = New DataColumn("Pago Vac", GetType(String)) : dataTable.Columns.Add(col)
col = New DataColumn("Horas Enf", GetType(String)) : dataTable.Columns.Add(col)
col = New DataColumn("Pago Enf", GetType(String)) : dataTable.Columns.Add(col)
col = Nothing
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.PerformAutoResizeColumns(True, PerformAutoSizeType.AllRowsInBand)
End sub
I want to show an information on top first line then add another band or group or child, whatever with the rest of the data.
Ariel Maisonet
Using 17.1
Thank you for the update.As per your request, I created a sample of UltraGrid, binding it with flat data and with the hierarchical data source having two bands.
On load, I bind the grid with flat data source and on button click I changed the data source to hierarchical data. For hierarchical datasource I created two DataTables, setting the Relationship between these tables in a DataSet and binding the Hierarchical result to the WinGrid.
This sample is based on this online help document, here we provided the code snippet for c# and VB both . I created a sample using c# and attached it here for your reference.
If you do not want to create a datatable and have tables available in the data source/sql server then refer to this online development guide.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.
It is not working. Sorry
Can you send me a small Project in VB.
I only need one header with few fields
One row below filling those fields
Then another header below
And few rows filling the data of that header.
Two header
Name | Join Date | Hours Available
Ariel Maisonet | 10/20/1954 | 40
second Header:
Hours by Month | Amount Paid
10 50.00
Can be done?
Hello ,
Thank you for posting. You can refer these online help documents describing step by steps, how to add row programmatically at runtime.
If you need to add more than one row, it is recommended that you add the rows directly to the DataSet for better performance.Or for adding single row add a row to a particular band like this :
Also for having a hieratical structure of the data , your underline data source should be designed like that.
Sincerely,Divya JainAssociate Software Developer