hi, all
The Columns in the UltraWinGrid have an Editor and EditorControl property. These properties can be assigned either an EmbeddableEditorBase or an IProvidesEmbeddableEditor control respectively. So the grid column can use any embeddable editor control as it's editor.
In addition to that, it's possible to assign a ValueList to a column to provide a dropdown list.
Some of the editors, like UltraTextEditor, for example, allow you to add buttons or dropdown buttons. So you could drop down a control of your choice within a grid cell.
But there is no way to place just any control in a cell automatically.
Hi mike
Can you please give an example how to drop down button on grid cell using UltraTextEditor
Thanks in advance
No, you cannot derive your own grid column type and use it in the WinGrid, this is not supported.
It's the first time that I use the Infragistics library controls and I have some difficulties to understand how to custom the WinGrid columns.
The only solution that I have found (and you explain it in this topic) is to create the controls (like UltraComboEditor) in the form and embeded them in the WinGrid columns by using the EditorProperty of a column... So, I am obliged to hide these controls which are visible and take a lot of space in my form.
No alternative ?
I'm not sure what you mean. What exactly are you trying to do to the column that you can't do without using an Editor?
For example, I need to use a ComboBox for a column in a Grid...
With the DataGridView from the Dotnet Framework, I can specify that a column is a DataGridViewComboColumn.
With the UltraGrid from Infragistics, I have to use a UltraComboEditor that I drop in my form. Next, I can link an UltraGrid column with this control via the EditorProperty.
The problem with your solution is that the UltraComboEditor is visible on the form... I have to set the Visible property to false and drag the control behind the UltraGrid. Does it exist a similar solution like DataGridView from the Dotnet Framework to not have visible controls on the form ?
Hi Jerome
i have also ultragrid and i used the combo box in my ultragrid in my demo code in vb.net i m sure that will help u