I am trying to create a grid which hopefully can look similar to a web grid i am trying to create. The Data i have comes from a RestApi in form of Json and i deserialize the data fine. When i bind it to grid it does not look the way i want it because a few issues.
a) i have a array of objects which consist of a DocId and Text. What i would like to do is display a list of all possible options as well as check all options which where selected for this record. Similar to this
b) i have a field which has a holds a array of String,string like [{"home" : "home@email.com}, {"work" : "work@email.com}]how can i display this in the field like hone@email.com (home) ?
Hello Torn,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Concerning getting data in to the grid you will want to make sure it is a type that supports ibindinglist:www.infragistics.com/.../wingrid-ilist-and-ibindinglist
One Method of doing this is using the WinDataSource:www.infragistics.com/.../windatasource-use-add-and-insert-methods-with-arrays
Concerning the second question, you can achieve this by hiding the home column and then creating an unbound column and filling in the data however, you like based on that data from the other column.