Hi,Hierachical grid. I want to be able to hide a parent row but show the children when a user chooses to - as a way of showing more data in a single grid. Obviously I cannot just hide the row (hidden) because it's children will also be hidden so what I have been doing is setting its height to zero and foreground transparency.
But, zero doesn't work - the row height is actually set to 1. Thing is that I get these tiny gaps then between rows(a row with height 1) so border lines look bad.
Just looking for any suggestions?
Yeah, I don't think there is any way to remove the gaps, since you can't make the rows have 0 height.
The only other thing you could do is build a data source that only has the rows you want and thus eliminate the root-level rows entirely. You might even want to use an UltraDataSource as a sort've intermediary between your real data source and the grid. That way you could dynamically convert the structure from one to the other.
By borders I mean the gaps - the more rows i hide in a hierarchy the bigger these gaps(which look like borders) are.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I don't think there is any way to get rid of the gap, because you can't set the height of the row smaller than one. What exactly is wrong with the borders?