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Ultra Pivot Grid and MDX Selector


I'm trying to connect an ultra pivot grid and mdx data selector to our SSAS tabular model but the MDX data selector is showing as disabled and unpopulated and cannot select anything from the drop downs. Currently I'm still using a trial version of infragistics ultimate. Are these controls disabled in the trial version or do they not work with SSAS tabular model or what else could I be doing wrong?

I'm creating a new ADomdDatasource using an AdomdInitialSettings to initialize the data source. If set the connection string in the settings object as well as the catalog and cube. However, when I look in at the object in the watch window I noticed neither the catalog or cube properties have been set even though they've been specified in the AdomdDatasource.

In the connection string I'm using Provider = MSOLAP;Integrated Security=SSPI;data source = SSASTabularServer;

