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UltraTabbedMdiManager crash after icon change and refresh
When I change Icon on my form, the UltraTabbedMdiManager do not refresh automatically (I see this is a bug), so I use MdiParent property and call Refresh, but that method sometimes throw unhandled exception, by sometimes I mean for some Icons it throws, for some icons it refresh properly. 

Instead of that I create workaround which work fine, but is very ugly:

var text = this._windowForms[0].Text;
this._windowForms[0].Text = string.Empty;
this._windowForms[0].Text = text;

Is there any other way to refresh it? I use Infragistic version 15.1

  • 34850
    Offline posted

    Hello Patryk,

    I have been investigating into this behavior you are seeing, and I have reproduced it in version 2015.1. I have also tested against versions that are currently receiving active development and I have reproduced it there as well. I have also tried quite a few other methods to get the Icon to update, but I am unable to see another way of getting the tab to update.

    This behavior is unexpected, and as such, I have asked our engineering teams to examine it further. To ensure it will receive attention, I have logged it in our internal tracking systems with a development ID of 266441. I have created you a private support case that I will be updating shortly and I will be linking this issue to so that you can be notified of a fix or other resolution when it becomes available. This case has an ID of  CAS-204252-F9Z0P5 and you can access it after signing into your account on our website at

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.