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How do I bind a custom class with a subclass?

Hi all,

The result I'm looking to acheive here is that the user is presented with a grid of notes, and when they want to add a new note, they type into a "NoteText" column on the bottom row, and select a "Note Type" from a DropDown column on the bottom row.

Please consider my scenario:

I have a class structure that looks like this (but can be changed as required):






Let's say clsNote also has a "NoteID" property and a "NoteText" property, and that clsNoteType also has a "RecID" property and a "Description" property.

On my form, I instantiate MyNotesObject as clsNotes and bind it to my UltraGrid.  In my UltraGrid I now see 2 columns: "NoteID" and "NoteText" - but alas where is my "note type"?

HERE IS MY QUESTION:  What is the accepted way (if any) of having my clsNoteTypes class appear AS A DROPDOWN column in my UltraGrid?

 Any information or reference material pertaining to this issue will be appreciated.


Scott Pearce

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