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Formatting Lost When UltraTextEditor Goes Into Edit Mode

I have large blocks of text that I am trying to edit in the UltraTextEditor control.  There are embedded carriage returns and line feeds in the text.  When my textbox gets focus and goes into "edit mode" the carriage returns and line feeds seem to be stripped from the text.  As soon as I click off the control and it goes out of edit mode, the carriage returns and line feeds magically reappear.  I'm assuming this has something to do with a temporary textbox which is being displayed to do the editing.  Is there something I can do to prevent this loss of formatting in my text while in edit mode?

  • 7595
    Offline posted

    Hello Richard,

    Thank you for you post.

    The behavior you described is expected. what happens here is that when you click on an UltraTextEditor control and it goes into edit mode, it displays a Microsoft TextBox control and it is the control that can't handle the characters “\n” ,“\r” are giving it.

    You must use Envorinment.NewLine which is "/r/n".

    You can also refer to this post discussing the same behavior. 

    Let me know if you have any question.

    Divya Jain