I currently have a UltraChart set up as a column chart. It is using a DataSource of the following in a BindingList. Note: I was having trouble getting the DateTime in my data to display as HH:mm so I changed that to a string for the chart.
public class ViewCapacityChartHour { public string Hour { get; set; } public decimal WorkThatMustBeAccomplished { get; set; } public decimal TotalWorkAvailable { get; set; } public decimal WorkCapacity { get; set; } }
The TotalWorkAvailable (blue column) is must larger than the other properties, so my users would like to "scale that down" to use the Y2 axis so that the column for other data aren't so short.
Looking at the documentation, it's not clear to me how I can specify which Y-axis each property on a "row" should corresponding to. Is mapping specific columns for a multi-bar column chart to different Y-axes possible? If so, how do I set up my data models? Also, how do I make it clear in the key/Y-axis scales which column corresponds to which range?