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EmbeddableImageRenderer error handling


I have an ultragrid whose column's editor is set to a something that inherits from EmbeddableImageRenderer.

I have overrided the GetAutoConvertedDestinationValue() method. The sourceval Object is computed by us and sent to the base method. 

 It looks this way.

Return MyBase.GetAutoConvertedDestinationValue(direction, App.GetAutoConvertedDestinationValue(Me, direction, sourceVal, owner, ownerContext, isValidConversion), destinationType, isValidConversion, owner, ownerContext)

SourceVal computing part throws an exception. What is the best way to handle this?

We tried setting column error and tool tip text to show the error message. Another method we tried was sending IsValidConversion false. But then user wont know why image does not show. Is there a more elegant way to do this?

