Hey together,
in the UltraNumericEditor there is a PromptChar-Property. This also effects the MaskInput. Our controls we use were AlwaysInEditMode = true, to prevent jumping text.
Now we want to achieve that the '_' or ' '-PromptChar will not get displayed in the control. It's confusing when the cursor is jumping, when the controls text is not in the correct position (small controls, lot of InputMask), etc etc.
I already tried to set the InputMask dynamically when the value changed. So we could reduce the leading promptChars to only one ' ' before the number. The problem now is when the user pastes a hugh number into the control.
We already tried the property MaskDisplayMode, but this only has an effect inside no edit mode.
Do you have any ideas how to get to our goal? Or do you know how to override a method or get an event before a new value is applied?
Thanks in advance!
Great. glad you resolved the issue.
Hey Michael,
I found a solution which works. The forest and trees. I should've looked more ;D .
Thanks in any way ;) !
Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. Please elaborate your requirements as I am not quite sure what you are trying to achieve. Removing the PromptChar shouldn't impact the MaskInput. It's not something I've encountered with version 21.2
The only difficult part for the end user not having a prompt is not knowing what a valid value would be. There is a blue highlight that shows up that updates based on the mask to give some indication. But I haven't encountered an issue. Please attach a sample demonstrating any issues you might have.
Let me know if you have any questions.