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Popup Control Container closes


Our Commerce System has been created out of Windows Forms Infragistics Controls. It is running on .NET Framework since 2016. Currently we are changing it to run on .NET 6, we made good progress so basically the application is also running on .NET 6.

We are facing an issue with a user control embedded into a popup control container. The popup control container is associated with an UltraTextEditor control displaying the first Email address for the customer. If there are more than one email addresses a letter icon plus the total number of emails will be displayed to give Sales personal an indication that there are more than one Email addresses. If they click into that text editor that popup control container is displayed showing a user control. This user contains an UltraGrid control showing the existing Email Addresses, allowing to add/remove addresses. Since our Sales team is mostly just working with the keyboard the request was to navigate between the addresses just with the keyboard, when they enter an empty address the popup control container should disappear.

This worked fine in the .NET Framework version but now when clicking into the text editor I see the popup control container appear for a short moment before it disappears. I tried to create a playground project with basically same code for the user control which shows almost same behavior except that the popup control container shows when application starts which is probably because the text box receives the focus. As soon as I select the second text box, switch back to first the popup control container just appears very short.

Comparing the events for both scenarios it looks like that it is the DockChanged-event causing this issue because on first opening of the application this event is fired when the second text editor gets the focus. After that whenever I select first text editor the DockChanged event is fired when the popup control container opens. Since my user control reacts on that event it closes the popup control container.

I compared the behavior with the .NET Framework version and here the DockChanged-event is fired when another control is selected therefore the popup control container remains open.

I don't know where this DockChanged-event is raised, probably it is from a Microsoft control but maybe you have a good hint for me how I can handle this?

Thanks in advance,