I want to remove head checkbox when form load
case GridColDataType_emu.CheckBox: { ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[bandIndex].Columns[columnName].DataType = typeof(bool); ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[bandIndex].Columns[columnName].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.CheckBox; UltraGridColumn column = ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[columnName]; column.Header.CheckBoxVisibility = HeaderCheckBoxVisibility.WhenUsingCheckEditor; break;
For your Boolean column you can handle the checkbox visibility by propery like you are handling in your code. Setting it to WhenUsingCheckEditor means the checkbox will be displayed when the column's Editor resolves to an editor of type CheckEditor.Here are other enum you can have a look.www.infragistics.com/.../wingrid-displaying-checkbox-in-column-header
About events , the BeforeHeaderCheckStateChecked and the AfterHeaderCheckStateChecked events can be handled to performs tasks before or after the header check state is modified. I would recommend you to go through this online help document provided all the information.www.infragistics.com/.../wingrid-displaying-checkbox-in-column-header