We are using Winforms UltraGrid v23.1
When scrolling using the mouse wheel the grid response is jerky and slow.
Band 0 has 60,000 records. Band 1 has a total 280,000 records associated with band 0 records.
If I delete band 1 records then the grid (band 0 only) scrolls fine.
Given the record counts, is this something we have to live with?
Or can you suggest something that may improve the grids response?
Thanks - I'll try out your suggestions and let you know how I get on.
Hello Anton,
You would have to isolate the scenario , take out the grid from the sample and setup a new sample with just grid and test if the issue is indeed with the grid and due to some specific property .
Scrolling issue wount be related to customer data , so instead you can also bind your grid with the data table and assign the same number of records to both the bands and use the same grid setting , and test if you are able to reproduce the issue , if yes then share that sample with us.
About profiling the application ,there are lots of free tools (or free for couple of months) which you can use , like ANTs which I use for WPF application(should work for winform app too) or visual studio also has inbuit profiling tool, and then try to modify the code accordingly to confirm if that property is causing the issue.
Thanks for ideas.
Unfortunately I cant provide a sample as the datasets contain customer information also the grids are part of a larger application.
Could you please provide instructions on how to do 'performance profiling'.
Many thanks
Thank you for contacting. It's hard to say what's causing it to be slow without knowing more about what your application is doing. Is there a way you can share your sample. You can also refer to this post Mike provided couple of suggestions to try :
Also refer to this post if you have image embedding to the text of a column, and like that we have lots of other post discussing the same behavior .
Or do performance profiling would give you the information that what is taking time while scrolling , and share that information with us for further investigation.