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UltraMonthViewSingle issues

Regarding UltraMonthViewSingle:

Firstly, if I use GetDayFromPoint in the AfterScroll event, it seems to pick the day at that point from before the scroll. I have worked around this by using a 1ms timer in the event, but think this must be a bug?

Secondly, I can't seem to change the colour of the Scrollbar. I have changed settings in the CalendarLook.ScrollbarLook. It does seem to use the ScrollbarWidth, so it is reading the object, but seems to be ignoring any colours I set here. Is this also a bug, or am I missing some other setting?

Thirdly, when there are more appointments in a day than can be displayed, a small ellipsis icon appears. I assumed there would be built-in functionality to see any hidden appointments by clicking on this icon, but nothing happens. Is there a way to do this?


  • 34690
    Offline posted

    Hello Campbell,

    I have been investigating into the behaviors you have asked about and I will address them below in the order they were asked:

    1. Would it be possible for you to please provide the code you are using in the GetDayFromPoint method in this case? I would like to try to replicate this in a sample true to what you are trying.

    2. You can change the colors of the scrollbar by setting the BackColor properties on the various scrollbar-specific Appearances on the UltraCalendarLook element. These specific Appearances are ThumbAppearanceVertical/Horizontal, TrackAppearanceVertical/Horizontal, and ButtonAppearanceVertical/Horizontal. You will also need to set the UseOsThemes property on the UltraMonthViewSingle to false first, or the control will fall back on the OS theme for the scrollbars.

    3. The small ellipsis icon exists to essentially say that there is more than is displayed on the current day, but clicking the icon does not actually do anything except raise an event. Clicking this will raise the MoreActivityIndicatorClicked event. The event arguments of that event provides you a Day object that has information about the Appointments on that particular day in the calendar so that you can do something with your UI that gives more information about that particular day. Perhaps you could open a dialog or show a day-view for the clicked day?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.