I am trying to zoom user selected portion of chart.
user can draw rectangle or square by dragging mouse mouse.
startPosition : Mouse Down
End Position : Mouse Up or MouseMove
i draw rectangle from startPosition to End Position in FillSceneGraph event.
basically on MouseMove event i store EndPosition as current mouse location and call InvalidateLayers function on chart.
In FillSceneGraph event i draw rectangle from startPosition to EndPosition and add it to SceneGraph.
Every thing works fine except the delay in displaying rectangle.
is there any way to avoid the delay..or is FillSceneGraph is right place to add primitives on mousemove event.
as mousemove event is called for every few milliseconds ..
Is there a sample code that you can share with us over here? I appreciate it.
Thanks kalvagadda.
Bobby Pohan
sorry to say , i don' t have that code with me.
Hi kalvagadda ,
Would you share the code with me through this forum? I appreciate it a lot. I know its been a year, hopefully you still have it.
"click and drag" zooming is not a feature of our winchart. The only way to implement this feature is to use a combination of MouseDown, MouseUp and FillSceneGraph events. The mouse events will help you determine the size of the rectangular zooming region. FillSceneGraph can be used to calculate the scaling factor for the chart axes. I'm not sure if someone has successfully implemented this in the past.
I am confused by what kalvagadda said.
According the information, it seems that the "Zoom By Area" (use left mouse to draw a rectangle to zoom in) feature is available already.
However, as far as I know, the feature has not been implemented. what we only have is using Alt + mouse scroll button in order to zoom in/out 3D charts. In order to zoom in/out 2D charts you should enable axis' scroll.
Please paste some code for example if you know how to zoom by area.
Anybody who knows something related can clarify this.