Hi Team,
We are trying to update our older Infragistics 17.1 to latest 24.1. As part of this upgrade, we identified that some of the dlls are missing which are listed below. Can you please help us about these dlls whether they are renamed or moved to any other part of dll.
Hello Anusha,
These are same , When you dont have version number attached with the dlls then its version free dll.
which you picked up from this path.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2023.2\Windows Forms\Version-Free\WinForms_20232_VersionFree
When you run the installer you get both Version-Free as well as CLR4.0/Bin folder , so depends you want to use version free dll in the project or version dlls from the bin folder .
Thanks, Divya, for Prompt response. Can please help me the difference between Infragistics.Documents.Excel.dll and Infragistics4.Documents.Excel.v24.1.dll.
Thank you for your post .Here you are talking about dlls of two different platform , its Winforms and WPF. So here i am trying to explain,
For WPF, from version 24.1 onwards we dont support dlls anymore, you would have to use packages using feeds. To know how to consume packages you can refer to this online help document:
Now about WinForms dlls, i have V24.1 Winforms installed locally and i am comparing :
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSpellChecker- Its still available, check the image
Infragistics.Win.UltraGauge.Design.dll- its Infragistics4.Win.UltraWinGauge.v24.1.dll
Infragistics.Win.UltraChart.Design.dll- Its still available
Infragistics.Win.Design: Its still available
Infragistics.SyntaxParsing : i dont know which dlls is this , if its for Syntax Parsing Engine then you would need this dlls, also here is the document to go over:
Infragistics.Excel - Infragistics4.Documents.Excel.v24.1.dll
Infragistics.Documents.dll - Infragistics4.Documents.Reports.v24.1.dll
Infragistics.Diagnostics.dll -i never seen this dlls before and not sure the purpose of that, so i did some resrch and find this post might help you :https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/infragistics_diagnostics
Let me know if you have any more question.