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urgent: how to use Node.Cells to store value, got exception from ultraTreeNode.Cells

This is my first time to use Ultratree. I created an ultratree, for each node, I need to save values: category_id,category_name, category_guid,category_description...

I put values into node in the following ways:

Node.Cells["Id"].Value  = idValue; 

Node.Cells["Name"].Value  = nameValue; 

Node.Cells["desc"].Value  = descValue; 

Node.Cells["Guid"].Value  = guidValue;

then I got exception, the exception is like: Object is not set to an instance"

Should I create cells for the Node before I use Node.Cells[cell name]?

How to use Node.Cells?

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  • 469350
    Offline posted

    When are you getting this exception? On what line of code? That looks like a null references exception. So what is null when the exception occurs? 

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