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Freeze the first two visible columns of a ultrawingrid on horizontal scroll

Hi there,

I'm using a ultrawingrid in one of my windows project and what's I'm trying to do is to be abled to freeze the fist two columns of the grid on a horizontal scroll. I use the following code :   

e.Layout.UseFixedHeaders = true;

e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["hrpd_iNo"].Header.Fixed = true;

e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns["bxpd_xDesc"].Header.Fixed = true;

This code works only if I set the ultragridband's UseRowLayout property to false.

1) Is there a way to make this code works even if the UserRowLayout property is true?

2) I'm trying to export the same grid to EXCEL by using  UltragridExcelExporter object; and my app juste freeze in the export() method.... Is it because I'm using the RowLayout in my grid also?

Thanks for your help,



  • 469350
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    umeninnovation said:
    1) Is there a way to make this code works even if the UserRowLayout property is true?


    No. RowLayouts and Fixed headers are mutually exclusive. You can Submit a feature request to Infragistics

    umeninnovation said:
    2) I'm trying to export the same grid to EXCEL by using  UltragridExcelExporter object; and my app juste freeze in the export() method.... Is it because I'm using the RowLayout in my grid also?

    No, you can export a grid using a RowLayout, that should not be a problem. I don't know why it's freezing on you. Are you using the latest Hot Fix? Can you duplicate the problem in a small sample project? 




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