I would like to ensure that each new appointment has the reminder checked automatically, but I cannot find any way to do it.
I don't want to force a reminder but simply make it the default. I think I have managed it as noted below.
In the BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog handler, I emable the Reminder if ti is a new appointment. To set the reminder in the case where the yser simply types the text in a timeslot, I use the BeforeDisplayAppointmentDialog/AfterCloseAppointmentDialog to note if an appointment dialog is active, and I there is no appointment active then I enable th ereminder in the BeforeAppointmentAdded event.
That seems to work.
You could use any number of events to capture this such as the CalendarInfo.AfterAppointmentAdded OR the CalendarInfo.AfterCloseAppointmentDialog
You could force it with a custom dialog GUI or just use the above events and do:
Me.appointment.Reminder.DisplayIntervalUnits = DisplayIntervalUnits.MinutesDim reminderDisplayInterval As TimeSpan = DirectCast(Me.cboReminder.SelectedItem.DataValue, TimeSpan)Me.appointment.Reminder.DisplayInterval = reminderDisplayInterval.TotalMinutesMe.appointment.Reminder.Enabled = True
Hope this helps