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DropDown in grid not auto-completing since 8.1->8.2 upgrade

 I'm having problems with UltraDropDowns (used in grids) since my recent upgrade from 8.1 to 8.2. I'll try to outline these issues:

1) UltraDropDown (used on a grid) fields do not auto complete. When I type an "A" into the UltraDropDown, it does not suggest something starting with A to me.
2) When I type in an existing value exactly (which is in the dropdown list), it does not recognise it. That is, in the grid.BeforeCellUpdate event, the dropDown.SelectedRow property is null.

I have done a little searching of the forums into this, and have found some reference to an AutoCompleteMode that was added (although I'm not sure if this was added in 8.1 or 8.2). I cant find such a property for the UltrarDropDown, but I can for the UltraGrid columns. They appear to be set to "None" for every column. I have attempted to change this to "Default" for one column. After saving it, and re-opening the form, it is back to "None". It seems to be resetting itself back after I save it.

Whats going on here? Why is auto complete not working, why is it not accepting typed in values? What has changed?

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