I want to roll through all of the Infragistic.Win controls in my app and serialize their states...
Toolbars, Trees etc...
I hopefully do not have to serialize the entire control's public properties (hopefully it just sniffs out the 'IsDirty' property states, but if not, then so be it...
What Interface or base class holds the SaveAsBinary and SaveAsXML...
I simply want to roll through the Control's Controls and sniff out the Infragistics Controls and force them to SAVE or LOAD via one of these two methods...by casting them to an Interface or sub-base class
Any help thanks...
Hi CW,
There's no common interface on these controls for saving and loading. You will have to do this based on the type of each control explicitly.
I suppose for WinToolBars, WinGrid, and WinTree, it would be possible to make a common interface to save and load. This would not work for UltraDockManager, though.
You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics and perhaps this will be implemented in a future release.
How about the drawfilter property....
is there a way to iterate all of the controls that expose a focus rectangle, then set the draw filter accordingly?
There has to be a way to cast the controls to an interface that exposes the drawfilter property?
Well, the DrawFilter property is a property on UltraControlBase. So it's not an interface, but a base class.
That won't apply to components like UltraToolbarsManager, of course, but it applies to controls like the grid, tree, button, etc.