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Showing two tables in the WinTree - Band nodes problem

I am trying to display two tables in an UltraTree control: Location and Machine.  The Location table is the hierarchy; the Machine table references the Location table.

The tables have the following columns (the relevant ones):

(lots of other columns)

Each node in the tree will have one of two types of children - any number of locations *or* exactly 1 machine.

I want the tree to display the Location heirarchy using just the name column, and if they expand a name and it is referenced by a machine, show the machine details (quite a few columns of information).

Currently whenever a Location node is expanded, it shows two child nodes - "Location" and "Machine".  The user then has to expand the "Location" and "Machine" columns to see the next layer of details.

Is there a way to hide the "Location" and "Machine" nodes from appearing, and instead show their children, when only one of those bands has children? 

Edited to add:
From the documentation on the UltraTreeColumnSettings.ShowBandNodes, it says: "Regardless of the setting of ShowBandNode, band nodes will always be created to separate siblling bands. In a case where a child band has no siblings, a band node will be created for it if ShowBandNodes is set to ShowBandNodes.Always"

Obviously the UltraTree considers that there are two bands for each node - the Location and Machine bands.  However the business rule prevents this from ever happening.

Is there a way to hide a band from appearing when there are no child nodes for that band?


I am seeing this:
- RootLocation
  - Location
    - ThisIsALocationName
    - AndAnother
      - Location
        - YetAnotherLocation
          - Location
          - Machine
            - AMachine | All | Columns | Appear | Here...
      - Machine
  - Machine

but want to see this instead:
- RootLocation
  - ThisIsALocationName
  - AndAnother
    - YetAnotherLocation
      - AMachine | All | Columns | Appear | Here...

Further Details
I have created a DataSet and populated it with two tables, Location and Machine.  I have added two relationships to the DataSet like so:

dataSet.Relations.Add("Location", rv.Tables["Location"].Columns["LocationPK"], rv.Tables["Location"].Columns["ParentLocationPK"], false);

dataSet.Relations.Add("Machine", rv.Tables["Location"].Columns["LocationPK"], rv.Tables["MachineColumns["LocationPK"], false);


I have looked through the examples in the WinTree folder in the Samples directory.  I have not been able to find an example that uses two tables in one tree via a bound DataSet.

We have also considered styling the screen after the sample in folder "DataBinding (Navigation) CS"; however we'd like to see if this specific problem can be overcome as we will most likely encounter this situation again in the future.

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