Is it possible to have multiple summary rows in a single band. I have data like below and need to show Summaries as Subtotal for each unique ColA value. Is it possible to show as below without manupulating data in underlying datasource.
Thank you
ColA ColB Col C
1 a 2 1 b 51 c 3
SubTotal 10
2 x 12 z 2
SubTotal 3
3 i 43 j 103 k 43 i 5 Subtotal 23
What you can do is apply a summary to Col C, then use the OutlookGroupBy feature of the grid and group by Col A.
Set grid.DisplayLayout.ViewStyleBand to OutlookGroupBy. Then use the SortedColumns.Add method on the Band to sort column A and specifiy true for groupBy.
Thanks for quick reply. I did the samething. But that visually changes a lot. I need this first row to appear as normal first column or atmost column with merged cellstyle but definitely not as a separate band. I tried setting GroupByColumnsHidden = DefaultableBoolean.False but could not figure out how to get rid of GroupByRows. Also this ColA is not necessarily the first column, it could be any column in the table.
please advice.Thank youbhavani
Hi vprattiIt still behaves the same way, but thanks for the suggestion!~Kelly
Below is the code I am using and it would calculate the row summaries just fine,
ugDashData.DataSource = dsdata.Tables(0)
ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("USER").AllowGroupBy = DefaultableBoolean.True
ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).SortedColumns.Add("USER", False, True)
ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.True
Dim BatchSummary As SummarySettings = ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries.Add("COLUMN1", SummaryType.Count, ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("COLUMN1"), SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn)
Dim ImageCountSummary As SummarySettings = ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries.Add("COLUMN2", SummaryType.Sum, ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("COLUMN2"), SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn)
Dim DocCountSummary As SummarySettings = ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries.Add("COLUMN3", SummaryType.Sum, ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("COLUMN3"), SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn)
Dim TotalTimeSummary As SummarySettings = ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries.Add("COLUMN4", SummaryType.Custom, New clsTotalTimeByUser(), ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("COLUMN4"), SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn, Nothing)
Dim ImageRateSummary As SummarySettings = ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries.Add("COLUMN5 ", SummaryType.Custom, New clsImageRateCalculator(), ugDashData.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("COLUMN5"), SummaryPosition.Right, Nothing)
BatchSummary.DisplayFormat = "COUNT = {0}"
ImageCountSummary.DisplayFormat = "TOTAL = {0}"
DocCountSummary.DisplayFormat = "TOTAL = {0}"
TotalTimeSummary.DisplayFormat = "= {0}"
ImageRateSummary.DisplayFormat = "PER HOUR = {0}"
You may ignore the column4 and 5 I used here as I was using custom summary type to calculate the percentage and rate.
Let me know if this works for you.
Hi vpratti,
The problem I am having is not with the normal summaries like the example you provided, since they are calculating correctly (first row in my summary area), but with my custom summaries (second and third row of summaries)
I also used custom summaries in the code I sent you and this is the custom summary class I am using. I was advised to write a seperate class for each custom summary calculation I do. So the Begin summary and End summary are to present for each summary calculation.
You can try this.
Public Class clsImageRateCalculator
Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator
Private TotalTimeinSec As Integer = 0
Private TotalImages As Integer = 0
Private ImageRate As String = 0
Private Sub BeginCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal rows As RowsCollection) Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.BeginCustomSummary
' Begins the summary for the SummarySettings object passed in. Implementation of
' this method should reset any state variables used for calculating the summary.
Me.TotalImages = 0
Me.TotalTimeinSec = 0
Me.ImageRate = 0
End Sub
Private Sub AggregateCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal row As UltraGridRow) Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.AggregateCustomSummary
Dim ElapsedTime As Object = row.GetCellValue(summarySettings.SourceColumn.Band.Columns("ELAPSED TIME"))
Dim ImageCount As Object = row.GetCellValue(summarySettings.SourceColumn.Band.Columns("# IMAGES"))
' Handle null values
If ElapsedTime Is DBNull.Value Then
End If
' Convert to decimal.
Me.TotalTimeinSec += Convert.ToInt32(ElapsedTime)
Me.TotalImages += Convert.ToInt32(ImageCount)
Catch e As Exception
' This should not happen if the columns are numeric.
Debug.Assert(False, "Exception thrown while trying to convert cell's value to decimal !")
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
Throw (ex)
' Here is where we process each row that gets passed in.
Private Function EndCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal rows As RowsCollection) Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.EndCustomSummary
' This gets called when the every row has been processed so here is where we
' would return the calculated summary value.
If TotalImages > 0 Then
Me.ImageRate = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble((TotalImages / TotalTimeinSec) * 3600), 1).ToString()
Me.ImageRate = Me.ImageRate + " (images/hr)"
Return Me.ImageRate
End Function
End Class
Thanks vpratti,
I also have separate classes for the summaries, however, I was not using BeginCustomSummary.
I will look at your code and try it out. One of mine is as follows:
Public Class TotalFtesCalculator Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator Private GridToUse As UltraGrid Private SummaryName As String Private HoursInMonth As Decimal Public Sub New(ByRef Grid_To_Use As UltraGrid, ByVal Summary_Name As String, ByVal Hours_In_Month As Decimal) Me.GridToUse = Grid_To_Use Me.SummaryName = Summary_Name Me.HoursInMonth = Hours_In_Month End Sub Public Sub BeginCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal rows As RowsCollection) Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.BeginCustomSummary ' do not need ??? End Sub Public Sub AggregateCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal row As UltraGridRow) Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.AggregateCustomSummary ' do not need ??? End Sub Public Function EndCustomSummary(ByVal summarySettings As SummarySettings, ByVal rows As RowsCollection) As Object Implements ICustomSummaryCalculator.EndCustomSummary Dim SummaryValue As Decimal = CType(Me.GridToUse.Rows.SummaryValues(Me.SummaryName).Value, Decimal) Dim SumValue As Decimal = SummaryValue / HoursInMonth Return SumValue End Function End Class
I think same code what I have for the custom summary works just fine with a new grid. For some reson the old grid is having troubles with it.
For now , I am good.
Thanks a lot , Venkat.
Thank you very much for taking time to look into this.
You are right in saying summary formula line is commented but in the actual code its not.
If I follow you correct , scrolling down to the bottm should calulate the summaries but I dont see the correct summaries. SO I was running the same code in debugger , then I see that the custom class New method getting called but dont any other methods getting called and eventually summaries are not currect.
I am not sure why those beginSummary and other methods are not gettting called when step though debugger. Any clue ?
In the other post that I had posted the complete code.
I really appreciate your help on this as I am in crunch state of the project.
Thanks, Venkat.
Hi Venkat,
Well, the line of code you have here which adds the summary is commented out. :)
Assuming that's just a typo here in this forum post and that this line is not commented out in your actual code, then my next guess would be that the summary is not yet visible on the screen. The summaries don't get calculated until they are needed. So if your summary is at the bottom of the rows collection (which is the default), the calculation will not occur until you scroll down to the bottom of the rows and bring the summary into view.
Hi all ,
I followed this thread and wrote my customSummary class and used the Custom summaryType.Tried using the same but my methods inside the custom class didn't get fired. Ami doing anything wrong.
InterCompGrid3.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("CGDTH").AllowRowSummaries = AllowRowSummaries.True 'InterCompGrid3.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Summaries.Add("summaryCGDTH", SummaryType.Custom, New InterCompCustomSummary("CGDTH"), InterCompGrid3.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("CGDTH"), SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn, Nothing)
Can anybody give a qucik pointer.
Thanks a Lot, Venkat.
I'm not sure off the top of my head, but if there is a way, it would probably be via the SummaryDisplayAreas property on the Override.