I am dynamically setting the column type as DoublePositveWithSpin in a UltraWnGrid. I am setting the mask input for this column as "nnnn.nnnn".
The grid displays in the correct format(number with 4 decimal places) when the data is bound. But when I try to edit it, it doesnt allow me to enter more than 2 decimal places. Also, am setting the Column format as
String.Format("#{0}##0{1}0000", Application.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator, Application.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator);
Can anyone point me what I could be doing wrong?
The format should not matter. When a cell goes into edit mode, only the mask applies.
What version of the grid are you using? Do you have the latest Hot Fix?
When you say you can only enter decimal places, what exactly do you mean? What is preventing you from entering more? Does the mask show four spaces after the decimal or only 2?
What's the data type of the column? My guess is that the data source is not allowing more than 2 decimal places.