I'm using the UltraCalendarCombo I need to set a custom property I've added to the control when a user clicks a date in the calander dropdown. What events are raised when a user clicks date in the calander dropdown?
The control's CalendarInfo property returns a reference to the component (UltraCalendarInfo) which coordinates date related information between any of the controls associated with it. That component exposes a BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange event; in the case where one day is selected, you can determine that date like so:
this.calendarInfo.BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange += new BeforeSelectedDateRangeChangeEventHandler(calendarInfo_BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange);
void calendarInfo_BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange(object sender, BeforeSelectedDateRangeChangeEventArgs e){ DateTime dateSelected = e.NewSelectedDateRanges.SelectedDaysCount == 1 ? e.NewSelectedDateRanges[0].StartDate : DateTime.MinValue;}