I get a NullReferenceException from the UltraWinGrid, when clicking the Print button in the PrintPreview dialog. The preview output looks fine. My Code is:
UltraGridLayout ugLayout = new UltraGridLayout();ugLayout.Reset();
UltraGridPrintDocument ugPrintDoc = new UltraGridPrintDocument();ugPrintDoc.DocumentName = filterName;ugPrintDoc.Grid = dgBrowseResult;
// Header with: // <browsing ts> <filterName> <printing ts>
HeaderFooterPageSection ugpdHeader = ugPrintDoc.Header;
ugpdHeader.TextLeft = "TimestampBrowsing " + filterAppliedAt.ToString();
ugpdHeader.TextRight = "TimestampPrinting " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
ugpdHeader.TextCenter = filterName + "\n" + criteria + "\n" + printingAllRows;
dgBrowseResult.PrintPreview(ugLayout, ugPrintDoc);
The error log is:
2008-01-08 10:46:34,734 [2700] ERROR DEV-LOG PrintResultList - System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.PrintManager.CalculateFirstRows() at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.PrintManager.CalculatePageDimensions() at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.PrintManager.BeginPrint(Object sender, PrintEventArgs e) at System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.OnBeginPrint(PrintEventArgs e) at Infragistics.Win.Printing.UltraPrintDocument.OnBeginPrint(PrintEventArgs e) at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridPrintDocument.OnBeginPrint(PrintEventArgs e)
The error does not occur if I omit the PrintDocument parameter: dgBrowseResult.PrintPreview(ugLayout)
But I need to print the header as well!
Thanks in advance for any hint.
using: VS 2003, C#, .Net 1.1, Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 3 CLR 1.x
How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community
Can you please provide me the link to download this hot fix.
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the answer from infragistics support was:
"You can have the information regarding the latest HotFixes that are to be released at the following link :<http://blogs.infragistics.com/tags/Hot+Fix/default.aspx> "
good luck!
Where can I find the latest hotfixes ?
Please give me an URL (tried to locate them on this site, but couldn't find them)
Thanks in advance for your reply
Kind regards,
Johnny Driesen - Belgium