Hi Infragistics,
I am struggling a bit with the UltraMonthViewMulti and SelectedDayAppearance. I need working days and non-working days to appear different. For that, I am setting up non-working days appearance by 'CalendarLook.GetDayLook(date, True).Appearance.xxx', and working days by 'CalendarLook.DayAppearance.xxx'.
However, I want the non-working days also to appear different than working days when they are selected, but I am unable to find the correct method to do that. Please note, that both working days and non-working days can be selected at the same time. so simply change the 'CalendarLook.SelectedDayAppearance.xxx' won't do the trick.
Thanks in advance,
The following code sample demonstrates how to change a date's appearance dynamically as the selection changes, based on whether that date is a working day:
using Infragistics.Win;using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule;
Infragistics.Win.Appearance workingDaySelectedAppearance = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();Infragistics.Win.Appearance nonWorkingDaySelectedAppearance = new Infragistics.Win.Appearance();
// Set the properties on the working day and non-working day appearancesthis.workingDaySelectedAppearance.BackColor = Color.Green;this.nonWorkingDaySelectedAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
// Set the UltraCalendarInfo's Tag property to reference the// UltraCalendarLook, so we can get that reference easily// in the BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange eventthis.ultraMonthViewMulti1.CalendarInfo.Tag = this.ultraMonthViewMulti1.CalendarLook;
// Handle the BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange eventthis.ultraMonthViewMulti1.CalendarInfo.BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange += new BeforeSelectedDateRangeChangeEventHandler(CalendarInfo_BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange);
void CalendarInfo_BeforeSelectedDateRangeChange(object sender, BeforeSelectedDateRangeChangeEventArgs e){ // Get the UltraCalendarInfo and UltraCalendarLook UltraCalendarInfo calendarInfo = sender as UltraCalendarInfo; UltraCalendarLook calendarLook = calendarInfo.Tag as UltraCalendarLook;
// First clear the ones that were set on the last selection this.ApplySelectedAppearance( calendarInfo, calendarLook, calendarInfo.SelectedDateRanges, null, null );
// Now set the appearance for the new selection this.ApplySelectedAppearance( calendarInfo, calendarLook, e.NewSelectedDateRanges, this.workingDaySelectedAppearance, this.nonWorkingDaySelectedAppearance );}
private void ApplySelectedAppearance( UltraCalendarInfo calendarInfo, UltraCalendarLook calendarLook, SelectedDateRanges selectedDateRanges, Infragistics.Win.Appearance workingDaySelectedAppearance, Infragistics.Win.Appearance nonWorkingDaySelectedAppearance ){ // Create a dictionary that holds the selected dates and their // respective DayLook objects Dictionary<DateTime, DayLook> dayLookList = new Dictionary<DateTime, DayLook>(selectedDateRanges.SelectedDaysCount);
// Iterate the date ranges foreach( DateRange range in selectedDateRanges ) { // Iterate each date in the current range, and add the DayLook // for that date to the dictionary DateTime date = range.StartDate; while ( date <= range.EndDate ) { dayLookList.Add( date, calendarLook.GetDayLook( date, true ) ); date = date.AddDays(1); }
// Iterate the dictionary entries and apply the appropriate appearance foreach( KeyValuePair<DateTime, DayLook> item in dayLookList ) { bool isWorkDay = calendarInfo.DaysOfWeek[item.Key.DayOfWeek].IsWorkDay;
Infragistics.Win.Appearance appearance = isWorkDay ? workingDaySelectedAppearance : nonWorkingDaySelectedAppearance;
item.Value.Appearance = appearance; } }