I have a problem because i'm rookie in .NET and Infragistics. My problem is this:
I have a UltraTabControl and I want to create new TAB in execution time, at time i need to insert one UltraGrid in each new TAB.
For example, i have a table with 5 countrys (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5)
I want on tab for country, but if i'll add a new country i need to appear this.
After that in each tab i ned a Ultra Grid to show all invoices that this country.
HELP i'm LOST!!!!!
The following code demonstrates how to dynamically add a tab and add a control to it.
// Add a new tab to the tab controlUltraTab tab = this.ultraTabControl1.Tabs.Add( "Tab3", "New Tab" );
UltraGrid grid = new UltraGrid();// Initialize the grid
// Add the grid control to the controls on the tabtab.TabPage.Controls.Add( grid );
I have the same problem.here my code (my try) !
....oReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()Dim compteur As Int16 = 0Dim Rackor As New RackConfig
Can you help me ?
I have this code:
'It add the TAB
utbPedidos.Tabs.Add(“Tab_Key”, “Tab_Name”)
'I’m adding an UltraGrid into the tab
utbPedidos.Tabs(“Tab_Key”).TabPage.Controls.Add(New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid())
'Procedure to configure the Grid
I hope was usefull for you. One thing only, I was a problem when I have a lot of controls into de TabPage, with this example I have only the GRID in the TAB.
Best Regards,