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DoneLoading/Calculating Event

I have data source which is collection of objects that have some calculated properties from other properties.
There is a lot of properties, about 200 from which 150 is calculated properties, so grid can have up to 200 columns.
It is WPF application and I'm hosting UltraGrid in it. There is no other Grid on market that we tested that can
do good performance with this many information in it.

Application starts, data is loaded and cached in global variable. When I start the window with grid in it, I have to wait depending on
how many columns grid is set to display (we have more then one window with same data, differerent filters and columns), while waiting
application is frozen and obviously grid is loading in the while, even though I have my data loaded already.

So I'd like to do this asynchronously if possible, but I need event to tell me
when is Grid loaded, when is done calculating all those properties.

My data source is BindingList, and I just set grid.DataSource = list in code.



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    There's really no good way to load the grid asynchronously, but you can load only as much data as needed by using the UltraDataSource. Check out the samples that come with the NetAdvantage SDK. There's a sample under UltraDataSource called "Virtual Mode Sample" which demonstrates loading the grid on-demand and showing a grid with 1 million rows in it. The sample uses random data, but in your case, you would use the UltraDataSource as an intermediary between your BindingList and the grid. 


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