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Changing caption of button at runtime only changes tooltip

I have a button tool on a ribbon and I am toggling the text between Save/Edit depending on the value of a combo tool.  The events fire correctly and I am setting the caption correctly but the actual text appearing on my button tool doesn't change unless I resize the form so that the button is no longer visible and then size it back so it is visible.  Currently I have to call RefreshMerge on the toolbar to get this to behave properly.  Is this a bug or is there something else I should be doing to change the caption of the button?

  • 44743

    This sounds like a bug. Even a change to the caption of a merged child tool should update the parent immediately. I would recommend submitting the issue to the support group: Also, if the button tool is a large sized tool in the ribbon, I believe this issue has already been reported and fixed. Either way, you should report it to get notified when the hotfix is released.