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On show appointment subject on day view

We are using the dayview control and we have appointments that show the start and end times on this view.  I would only like the subject to show on the dayview appointments.  How can I change this?

  • 2094
    Offline posted

    You will have to use a Custom CreationFilter

    Hope this help.



    Here you go.

    On the form that has the DayView Control.....

    • Delcare the object in the Form
      Private CustomCreationFilter As New CustomAppointmentTextCreationFilter(Me.dayViewAppointments, AppointmentTextDisplayStyle.Automatic)
    • Assign the Creation Filter in the Form Load Event
      Me.dayViewAppointments.CreationFilter = CustomCreationFilter

    Dump this in its own class

    Imports Infragistics.Win
    Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule
    Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayView
    Imports System.Globalization
    Imports System.Text

    ' Users of Infragistics controls normally don't need an understanding of how UIElements are implemented and most
    ' often have no need for using a UIElement creation filter. This advanced extensibility mechanism is exposed for
    ' developers who want to modify, add to and/or replace the UIElements of a control.
    ' All controls that are based on the Presentation Layer Framework expose a UIElement creation/positioning 
    ' extensibility mechanism.  To customize the size and/or location of UIElements or to add or replace one or more
    ' UIElements of a control you need to implement the IUIElementCreationFilter interface on an object and set the
    ' CreationFilter property of the control to that object at runtime.
    ' This Creation Filter allows you to have multiple images displayed for a single Appointment when using
    ' the UltraDayView. Note, when using this Creation Filter it is advised that you do NOT assign the Appointment
    ' an Image through the conventional means (i.e. myAppointment.Appearance.Image = someImage)

    #Region " CustomAppointmentTextCreationFilter"

    Public Class CustomAppointmentTextCreationFilter
        Implements IUIElementCreationFilter

    #Region "Member variables"
        Private ultraDayView As UltraDayView = Nothing
        Private _displayStyle As AppointmentTextDisplayStyle

    #End Region

    #Region "Constructor"
        Public Sub New(ByVal ultraDayView As UltraDayView, ByVal displayStyle As AppointmentTextDisplayStyle)


            Me.ultraDayView = ultraDayView
            Me._displayStyle = displayStyle

        End Sub
    #End Region

    #Region "DisplayStyle Property"

        ' <summary>
        ' Gets/sets the display style for appointment text. Note that
        ' the AppointmentTextDisplayStyle enumeration is a set of bitflags,
        ' so that any combination of the individual constants can be specified.
        ' For example, to specify that an Appointment should display the Subject
        ' and the start and end times, set the property like so: <br></br>
        ' DisplayStyle = AppointmentTextDisplayStyle.Subject | AppointmentTextDisplayStyle.Time;
        ' </summary>
        Public Property DisplayStyle() As AppointmentTextDisplayStyle
                Return Me._displayStyle
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As AppointmentTextDisplayStyle)
                If Value <> Me._displayStyle Then
                    Me._displayStyle = Value
                    If Not Me.ultraDayView Is Nothing Then
                    End If
                End If
            End Set
        End Property
    #End Region

    #Region "GetAppointmentText"

        Public Function GetAppointmentText(ByVal appointment As Appointment) As String

            Select Case Me.DisplayStyle
                Case AppointmentTextDisplayStyle.Automatic
                    Return Nothing
                Case AppointmentTextDisplayStyle.SubjectOnly
                    GetAppointmentText = appointment.Subject
                Case Else
                    GetAppointmentText = "Do More states here"
            End Select

        End Function

    #End Region

    #Region "IUIElementCreationFilter implementation"

        Public Sub AfterCreateChildElements(ByVal parent As UIElement) Implements IUIElementCreationFilter.AfterCreateChildElements
            '  If the parent is an EmbeddableUIElementBase, get the associated AppointmentUIElement
            '  and remove all elements except for the EmbeddableUIElementBase, and change the bounds
            '  of the EmbeddableUIElementBase to occupy the entire bounds of the AppointmentUIElement.
            Dim embeddableElement As EmbeddableUIElementBase = TryCast(parent, EmbeddableUIElementBase)
            Dim appointmentElement As AppointmentUIElement
            If embeddableElement IsNot Nothing Then
                appointmentElement = TryCast(embeddableElement.GetAncestor(GetType(AppointmentUIElement)), AppointmentUIElement)
                appointmentElement = Nothing
            End If

            If appointmentElement IsNot Nothing Then
                '  Get the associated appointment, and the text that should be displayed for it.
                Dim appointment As Appointment = TryCast(appointmentElement.GetContext(GetType(Appointment)), Appointment)
                Dim text As String = Me.GetAppointmentText(appointment)
                'Leave text as Automatic
                If text = Nothing Then Exit Sub

                '  Set the bounds of the embeddable element
                embeddableElement.Rect = appointmentElement.RectInsideBorders

                '  Get the embeddable element's TextUIElement
                Dim textElement As TextUIElement = TryCast(embeddableElement.GetDescendant(GetType(TextUIElement)), TextUIElement)

                If textElement IsNot Nothing Then
                    '  Change the text displayed by the embeddable element based on
                    '  the DisplayStyle.
                    textElement.Text = text

                    '  Reverse iterate the AppointmentUIElement's ChildElements collection
                    '  and remove all elements except for the EmbeddableUIElementBase
                    Dim childElements As UIElementsCollection = appointmentElement.ChildElements
                    Dim childElementCount As Integer = childElements.Count
                    Dim i As Integer = childElementCount - 1
                    For i = i To 0 Step -1

                        Dim element As UIElement = childElements(i)
                        If element Is embeddableElement Then
                            Continue For
                        End If

                End If
            End If

        End Sub

        Public Function BeforeCreateChildElements(ByVal parent As UIElement) As Boolean Implements IUIElementCreationFilter.BeforeCreateChildElements
            '   We aren't using this method, so return false.
            Return False
        End Function

    #End Region

    End Class

    #Region " AppointmentTextDisplayStyle Enum"

    ' <summary>
    ' Enumeration which describes how the text will be displayed
    ' for appointments in the UltraDayView control.
    ' </summary>
    <Flags()> _
    Public Enum AppointmentTextDisplayStyle

        ' <summary>
        ' The UltraDayView displays appointment text as it does by default;
        ' the subject is always displayed, the start and end times are displayed
        ' when they do not coincide exactly with the TimeSlots they span, and
        ' the Description is displayed when it fits in the available space.
        ' </summary>
        Automatic = 0

        ' <summary>
        ' The value of the Appointment's Subject property is displayed.
        ' </summary>
        SubjectOnly = 1

    End Enum
    #End Region