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UltraFormattedTextEditor - Font Size Limitation?

When using the UltraFormattedTextEditor we came across what appears to be some kind of font size limitation when using ApplyStyle().

For example when using the following the style will be changed to a size 16pt size font.  

string format = "<p style=\"font-size:16pt;\"></p>";
textEditor.EditInfo.ApplyStyle(format , true);

If the following is applied however, the font size in the editor will not reflect past 72pt font size

string format = "<p style=\"font-size:150pt;\"></p>";
textEditor.EditInfo.ApplyStyle(format , true);

 The 'value' will remain at 150pt, but this is not reflected graphically.

 Our software requires support for very large font sizes. We must reflect these large sizes when using the editor. What can we do to remedy the situation described above asap and take advantage of large font sizes in the editor?

*When adjusting the properies of the UltraFormattedTextEditor using appearances->font the larger sizes are reflected in the editor. We do however require the formatting provided and need the value formatted correctly.

 Please advise.




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  • 37774

    This sounds like a bug, since it works with the appearances but not when you apply the style.  You should submit this issue to Developer Support so that they can take a look at it, and have the development team evaluate the issue.  Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any workaround for this issue.


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