Sorry if this is a simple question.
How can I preserve multiple adjacent spaces when setting the Value property.
For example, the Value is set to:
"This make take a while. Are you sure?"
and the four spaces in the center of the phrase are retained.
That worked great.
As always, thanks!
You can find a list of formatting tags here. As for the spaces, you could replace those with "&edsp;" per space, which should do the trick.
Thanks Matt.
Unfortunately, I'm also using some formatting tags (<br/>) which don't work when the Text property is used. There may even add links to the text at a later date.
Is there a tag that can be used for a space character? I can programatically replace spaces to x number of tags if I need to before setting the Value property.
Also, is there a list somewhere of the supported tags for the formatted label and text controls?
Try setting the Text property instead of the Value property, since the Value property will parse everything as formatted text, while the Text property parses it as Raw.