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Horizontal scrolling in Wingrid displays blurred columns

I have a Wingrid that contains a single hierarchy of records.  I am showing BOXES at the parent-level and FILES (in those boxes) at the child-level.  When the grid is first populated, as I scroll horizontally through the columns in the grid, the first 7 columns in the parent band display clearly.  If I continue to scroll farther to the right, there are, what appears to be, other columns that are squeezed together (it looks like a bunch of "up" arrows at the top of squeezed columns and "down" arrows at the bottom of these squeezed columns, can't see any data in them, just squeezed headers & arrows).  If I click somewhere outside of this active window and return, the display of all columns seems to be OK.  If I return to the grid and start horizontally scrolling again, I get the same "blurry" result.  Do I need to add some code to control this display as I scroll horizontally across the columns?     


Parents Reply Children
No Data