The above post is referring to UltraComboEditor, not UltraCombo.
For UltraCombo, you need to resize the columns and the dropdown will size itself by default so that all of the columns show.
To resize the columns in the combo to their contents, you can use the PerformAutoResize method on the column (and loop through and call it on each column) or the PerformAutoResizeColumns method on the band or DisplayLayout. The InitializeLayout event is generally a good place to do this.
This doesn't work for me. I have an UltraCombo bound to an Object. DropDownWidth is -1. It's not as wide as my data.
To clarify for anyone ele having this issue:
Setting DropDownListWidth to -1 should solve this issue and allow you to see all data no matter the width. (UltraComboEditor)
by default the value is 0 and does not show all the data in the drop down by default.
-Thanks Mike
Hi Jamal,
I'm pretty sure that the UltraComboEditor does this automatically. Or perhaps it's a DropDownWidth setting.