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sorting nodes in a bound tree

I am using a Wintree which is bound to a BindingSource (IFolderBindingSource). And to the DataSouce of this BindingSource i am assinging a BindingList that is (Folders).

 Me.IFolderBindingSource.DataSource = Folders

 Now everything is working just fine. But i want to sort the nodes of this tree, which is not happening. I have tried


But this is not working. So i tried sorting bindingSource even, but even that didnt worked. Kindly advice some way to sort these nodes and children nodes in ascending fashion.



  • 217

    Hi. I got the solution to my problem with this code

    Me.UltraTree1.ColumnSettings.ColumnSets(1).Columns(0).SortType = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.SortType.Ascending

    Now all the nodes are sorted in the tree. But the problem is whenever i make some changed in the bindingObject ( the Tree is bound with) It does reflect the changes on the tree but its sorting stops working. But if i try to collapse and then expand the parent node(manually) then it gets sorted again.


    Kindly suggest something.