I strored binary data in MSSQL server table for image file and i want it to render on pdf report i am doing so by following code but eventually i am getting a distorted image over pdf.Can you please explain what could be the reason and how to overcome over it.
Private Sub CreateHeader()
Dim mainRow As Infragistics.Documents.Report.Table.ITableRow
Dim bandHeaderSP As Infragistics.Documents.Report.Band.IBandHeader = bandSP.Header
mainTable = bandHeaderSP.AddTable
mainRow = mainTable.AddRow()
imageCell = mainRow.AddCell
‘Getting the datarow from data logic which is not written
Dim r As DataRow
imageCell .AddImage(GetBinaryImage(30, 10, TryCast(r.Item("Test_Icon"), Byte())))
End Sub
GetBinaryImage = Nothing
Dim imageToAdd As Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image = New Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image(width, height, imageData)
Catch ex As Exception
End Function
Can you replicate the situation by using above code.Actually I am able to get the proper image on pdf by another way
Note-: imageData is Byte array
stm = New System.IO.MemoryStream(imageData)
Dim imageToAdd As Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image = New Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image(stm)
but problem hear is i can not set height and width for image so overall it affects the other elements of pdf document.
Sandeep Gohane
What do you mean that the image is distored? Does the image appear normally if you load the imagine into a PictureBox on the form? Can you post a screenshot?