Dim i As Integer
Dim iBand As Integer
iBand = i - 1
'Debug.Print(t.Header.Caption & " " & t.DataType.ToString)
If t.DataType.ToString <> "System.String" And t.DataType.ToString <> "System.DateTime" Then
e.Layout.Bands(iBand).Summaries.Add(t.Header.Caption, SummaryType.Sum, t, SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn)
End If
Which part of this is giving you trouble?
What kinds of data source are you using for your grid? If the data source and it's structure are available at design-time, then you should be able to modify the groups and summaries in the grid in the designer by just setting properties or even dragging and dropping columns in the form designer.
If your data source is not available at design-time, then it will be much more complicated and I would recommend using the InitializeLayout event to apply the settings in code.
Sorry I don't have time for a detailed answer, but as newbie I've found the Feature Picker to be helpful as a quick start for many grid behaviors. It's in the Designer, under "Basic Settings".