I created a report that I want to publish in PDF
How do I convert pixel units into the units of a SectionPage when I set the top left location . They seem to be twice as much (i.e 1 unit = 2 pixels)
I have 2 Bitmap objects I want them side by side but I dont know how to convert the units in ISectionPage.AddImage to Pixel units.
I would like to use the image width of the first bitmap to determine where to locate the second image but the units are different
and they are not side by side in my PDF.
ISectionPage p = s.AddPage();
Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image i1 = new Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image(bmp1);
Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image i2 = new Infragistics.Documents.Graphics.Image(bmp2);
p.AddImage(i2, i1.Width, 0);
r.Publish(@"C:\MyPDf.pdf", FileFormat.PDF);
OK I found the conversion PointsToPixels etc. Thanks problem solved.