is there a way to step through toolbars/toolbarbuttons with Tab-Key?
Regards Robert
If you hit the Alt key, a tool in one of the toolbars will have focus. You can then use Tab and Shift+Tab to cycle through tools and Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to cycle through toolbars.
Hello Mike,
this behaviour ist possible on PopupMenuTools, but I have a toolbar only with ButtonTools. I can not enter the toolbar with the Alt-key, therefore it gets no focus.
The same happens if I have a ultratoolbar with one toolbar with Popupmenutools and a second with Butontools. I can only enter the toolbar with PopupMenuTools by Alt-Key and step through, but I come not in the second toolbar.
Is there a solution for it?
Best regards
Its possible you do not have a main menu bar. A bug fix was recently added so that you do not need a main menu bar to give focus to one of the tools, but I don't think that hotfix has gone out yet. Try setting IsMainMenuBar to True on one of your toolbars.
IsMainMenuBar is set to true. I'll wait for the hotfix.
Btw, are there lists of published bugfixes and behaviour changes for every volume? I only get the #newfeatures-Link when a new volume is released, but this is more for overview but not detailed.
Links to bugs fixed in previous hotfixes can be found here:
However, the latest hotfixes do not yet have these links. This blog post will be updated when those links become available: