I'm using a RowEditTemplate with my grid. When the user clicks the OK button in the RowEditTemplate, the code in my "btnTemplateOk_Click" event evaluates the values selected between two fields in the row. If a "proper" value is not selected, then the user is prompted with a MessageBox and focus is set on the field that needs to be changed. The user changes the field (to a "proper" value), clicks OK, the value is saved and the template closes. This is working correctly. In a second scenario, if the user selects the same row, the template opens, they pick a new value, the template displays the new value, the user clicks OK, the "ultragrid_AfterRowUpdate" event is fired. This code executes my Update query (I created in the Table Adapter), calls "AcceptChanges()", then returns to the calling method ("btnTemplateOk_Click") which calls the "ultragrid_AfterRowUpdate" event again! It's during this second call of the "ultragrid_AfterRowUpdate" event that I'm receiving the NullException error (specifically when it hits the code highlighted in red). I believe its being called a 2nd time due to the "ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Close(true);" statement where (true) is trying to commit the changes to the data source again? It seems the references to the UltraGridCellProxy fields are the problem since the template already closed and they do not exist? Below, I'm showing the code in both my "btnTemplateOk_Click" and "ultragrid_AfterRowUpdate" events. How can I prevent a second attempt to Update my row again in this scenario??? OR, is there a better way to handle this update?
******************************************private void btnTemplateOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ //Evaluate value of "Current Location" = Checked Out To and "Checked Out To" IS BLANK string currloc_display = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_CURRENT1.ColumnKey].Text; string checkoutto_display = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpCO_NET_ID.ColumnKey].Text; string checkoutto_value = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpCO_NET_ID.ColumnKey].Value.ToString(); if (currloc_display == "Checked Out" && checkoutto_display == "") { MessageBox.Show("You must select a person in Checked out to:"); ugcpCO_NET_ID.Focus(); return; } ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Close(true); ultraGrid1.PerformAction(Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridAction.NextRow);}********************************************************************private void ultraGrid1_AfterRowUpdate(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowEventArgs e){ //*** BOX if (e.Row.Band.Key == "BOX") { this.bOXTableAdapter.Connection = RMSStatic.userODBCConnection; //BOX is being added if (BOX_rowinsert == true) { this.bOXTableAdapter.InsertBox(ugcpBOX_TYPE.Text, ugcpRECORD_STATUS.Text, ugcpSITE_ID_CURRENT.Text, ugcpSITE_ID_HOME.Text, ugcpJD_BOX_ID.Text, ugcpDESCRIPTION1.Text, ugcpVENDOR_BOX_ID.Text, ugcpCHECKED_OUT_TO2.Text); this.rMSDataSet.BOX.AcceptChanges(); BOX_rowinsert = false; } else { //BOX is being updated string barcode = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate2.Row.Cells[this.ugcpBAR_CODE1.ColumnKey].Text; string currloc_value = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate2.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_CURRENT.ColumnKey].Value.ToString(); string currloc_display = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate2.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_CURRENT.ColumnKey].Text; string homeloc_display = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate2.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_HOME.ColumnKey].Text; string homeloc_value = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate2.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_HOME.ColumnKey].Value.ToString(); //If user picked Curr Loc != "Checked Out" and left "Checked Out To" field filled out, then clear out "Checked Out To" field if (currloc_display != "Checked Out" && ugcpCHECKED_OUT_TO2.Text != "") { this.bOXTableAdapter.UpdateBox(ugcpJD_BOX_ID.Text, ugcpDESCRIPTION1.Text, currloc_value, homeloc_value, ugcpOFFICE_CODE1.Text, null, ugcpBAR_CODE1.Text); e.Row.Cells["CHECKED_OUT_TO"].Value = ""; } else this.bOXTableAdapter.UpdateBox(ugcpJD_BOX_ID.Text, ugcpDESCRIPTION1.Text, currloc_value, homeloc_value, ugcpOFFICE_CODE1.Text, (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate2.Row.Cells[this.ugcpCHECKED_OUT_TO2.ColumnKey].Value.ToString(), ugcpBAR_CODE1.Text); this.rMSDataSet.BOX.AcceptChanges(); e.Row.Cells["Action"].Value = "Delete"; } else { //*** FILE if (e.Row.Band.Key == "BOX_RECORDS_TEMPVW") { this.rECORDS_TEMPVWTableAdapter.Connection = RMSStatic.userODBCConnection; //FILE is being added if (FILE_rowinsert == true) { this.rECORDS_TEMPVWTableAdapter.InsertRecord(ugcpFOLDER_TYPE.Text, ugcpRECORD_TYPE.Text, "VERIFIED", ugcpSITE_ID_CURRENT.Text, ugcpSITE_ID_HOME.Text, ugcpMATTER.Text, ugcpDESCRIPTION.Text, ugcpWORKING_LYR.Text, ugcpIN_BOX.Text, ugcpCO_NET_ID.Text); this.rMSDataSet.RECORDS_TEMPVW.AcceptChanges(); FILE_rowinsert = false; ) else { //FILE is being updated string barcode = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpBAR_CODE.ColumnKey].Text; string currloc_value = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_CURRENT1.ColumnKey].Value.ToString(); string currloc_display = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_CURRENT1.ColumnKey].Text; string homeloc_display = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_HOME1.ColumnKey].Text; string homeloc_value = (string)this.ultraGridRowEditTemplate1.Row.Cells[this.ugcpSITE_ID_HOME1.ColumnKey].Value.ToString(); //If user picked Curr Loc != "Checked Out" and left "Checked Out To" field filled out, then clear out "Checked Out To" field if (currloc_display != "Checked Out" && ugcpCO_NET_ID.Text != "") { this.rECORDS_TEMPVWTableAdapter.UpdateRecords(ugcpDESCRIPTION.Text, ugcpMATTER.Text, ugcpOFFICE_CODE.Text, ugcpFOLDER_TYPE.Text, ugcpRECORD_TYPE.Text, "VERIFIED", currloc_value, homeloc_value, ugcpWORKING_LYR.Text, ugcpIN_BOX.Text, null, ugcpBAR_CODE.Text); e.Row.Cells["CHECKED_OUT_TO"].Value = ""; } else { this.rECORDS_TEMPVWTableAdapter.UpdateRecords(ugcpDESCRIPTION.Text, ugcpMATTER.Text, ugcpOFFICE_CODE.Text, ugcpFOLDER_TYPE.Text, ugcpRECORD_TYPE.Text, "VERIFIED", currloc_value, homeloc_value, ugcpWORKING_LYR.Text, ugcpIN_BOX.Text, ugcpCO_NET_ID.Text, ugcpBAR_CODE.Text); } this.rMSDataSet.RECORDS_TEMPVW.AcceptChanges(); e.Row.Cells["Action"].Value = "Delete"; } } } }}
I could be mistaken, but I think that calling AcceptChanges on a DataSet will end up firing a Reset notification to the grid; you would also lose the current editing state of the row. I'm not certain of the timing of everything here, but it looks like you're also setting the Value of a cell after calling AcceptChanges, which may cause another update. One thought is to ensure that the template isn't open before committing your changes (though checking if the Row is null would have the same effect). You could also use the AfterTemplateClosed event instead of AfterRowUpdate.
I have also tried checking if the RowEditTemplate is open in the AfterRowUpdate using this code, but I get a NullReferenceException. See attached. What is the proper syntax to check if the RowEditTemplate is open?
In this particular case you want to use the RowEditTemplateResolved property on the row, since the RowEditTemplate property will return null unless you've specifically set a template to that row before showing it; the more likely case is that you assigned the template to the band.